Haters Gonna Hate Labeled Flow
is bad.Right up front, let me establish the setting for our Journey.
First, there are two blog articles that I’ve come across,
- The Dark Side of Javascript: A Look at 3 Features You Never Want to Use – with obvious emphasis on the “Never”
You Can Label a JavaScript
Statement – eliciting a response along the lines of“you can do that ??!”
Secondly, here’s some code I’ve recently written (and redacted for publishing). Let me call attention to ...
Upon my noticing that I hadn’t written a fresh Post in nearly 22 months.
Because, honestly … there’s not much to say.
It’s been steady-as-she-goes. I have joined a new Employer since February 2019. I’d like to be at this place for a while. Very good people.
I know enough React[2] patterns – pre-Hooks and post – to be “effective” on the Client. It allows me to believe that I’m still full-stack, but mehhhhh – I’m not fooling anyone. I’m Server these days – Node[2] and all ...
Wandering in the Mojave with Ruby
A recounting of our time spent in struggle with
and native Gem builds.This Post will harken back to Wandering in the Mojave with JavaScript, wherein we learned a great many things about Xcode 10 and
support.Having taken one day to rest after a harrowing experience with
, I awoke on Friday with the notion to document our experience. My Shiny New Blog is built atop Jekyll, which means I must now reconstruct my Ruby tooling.The horse is refreshed, and we break camp on the heels of a ...
Wandering in the Mojave with JavaScript
A portion of our journey was plagued by
modules with nativegyp
builds.We had set out upon a journey to uprade our laptop to MacOS Mojave on a Monday. The weather stayed fine all day, and there was none of the scorching heat nor wind that one would expect from such a place. For the most part, it went largely without incident.
After the migration, I reinstalled nvm. It ...
I should mention; javascript-testing
That’s my ongoing tutorial / snippet project.
cantremember/javascript-testing is a Node.js repo where I experiment with patterns and examples of Test Cases using multiple frameworks and toolkits, including my own mongodb-sandbox module.
At its best, it is a treatise of Best Practices. At its least, it’s a living set of concepts and reminders for myself to make quick copies-and-pastes from.
cue applause
Quietly Announcing mongodb-sandbox
My first npm module. Because I felt I finally had a good idea for a useful one.
And now, two months having gone by since it got published, I think it’s finally time to post about it.
mongodb-sandbox will launch a stand-alone MongoDB Topology for use within a Test Suite. It spins up a self-contained instance of
on a free local port and performs all the setup & teardown necessary to ensure an empty database at the start of each Test Case.For example, using mocha,
const { expect } = ...